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Message for US1000 from Elizabeth from IP

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From Elizabeth

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Hey, I have a very serious question about my older sister who wants deliverance from an evil spirit... We are planning for this Thursday but I had to address someone first because the last time my sister came for prayer, they couldn't look her in the eyes... sent her off with 3 verses that she tossed the paper at me when she got back home all reading in variations "ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free". Well, I do know about the transformational prayer, and in this case is specialized for people equipted for breaking generational curses, and ultimately... just need guiding on what to do, it took my sister YEARS to finally see what she let in, and what has been a block in her spiritual walk with the Lord, now is the time to remove, to rebuke, cast away... should we just enter the doors, or is there another prayer group you would suggest? I appreciate the help very much, God bless!

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