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You have been given authority for Healing Rooms Jesus es Nuestro Sanador (AR1004)

You Have Been Given Authority

You now have the following permissions on for Healing Rooms Jesus es Nuestro Sanador:

    Do You Have An Account Already?

    We did not find an existing account for you, so either you have not yet created an account on our website, or you do have an account but have not yet added as one of your email addresses.

    If You Do...

    If you have an existing account on, add this email address by using [Edit Your Account] -> [Email Address] -> [Add Email].

    If You Don't...

    If you do not yet have an account on, create an account by going to, click on "Do you have an account? Click here to sign in," and click on [Create Account]. Be sure to use as your email address.

    When you have signed in to the website, look at the top-right of the screen for "Edit Your Account" and select that link. You will be brought to your IAHR Members Administrative Homepage, where you will see gold-colored buttons for authorities that have been assigned to you.

    Where To Find Answers

    If you need help with using the IAHR Members area of the website, sign in, and then go to [About Healing Rooms] -> [Questions & Answers] and scroll down to "Questions & Answers For IAHR Members Only."

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