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Message for US1477 from David and Sunday Schluckebier from IP

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From David & Sunday Schluckebier

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Greetings Family in Christ!  David and I were really blessed by your small group last Thursday evening. Thank you for inviting us to the group. Here’s an update on what the Lord is doing. I, Sunday, have a request for prayer for complete healing & restoration of my  nervous system.  David and I hit a rough patch when we returned to the routines of regular life. First off, we didn’t go forward for prayer from our church on Sunday and I feel that set us up for the attacks from the enemy that were coming against us to steal and destroy what the Lord is working in us.   We both started to slip back into old patterns. It was looking like things would never change. However, that's a lie from the enemy of our Faith! Faith is the thing that we must hold tight to. The Lord is working in our innermost parts that nobody sees. The fruit of that may not be seen right away, but it’s there when we look with eyes of faith. We are very much a work in progress! BUT GOD is faithful to complete the work

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