CA1379 | Healing Rooms Ministries
a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Come and receive your healing!



Dawn Farber

Assistant Director

Barb Bargy

Hours Open




October 04, 2014

My son has a rare blood disorder called Factor 7. Itâs a form of Hemophilia and bleed outs can happen randomly. He needed 4 dental extractions in order to get braces. Before the first extraction great preparations were taken, he was given tranexamic acid to clot the blood and the tooth was removed surgically instead of twisting and pulling. The dentist was nervous and arrangements were made to take him to the hospital should the blood not clot. When the tooth came out, it came out with huge, hook like roots. If they had twisted and pulled it could have cost him his life. Three more were due for extraction and he got through two of them very smoothly not even requiring the medication.
On the last appointment, the dentist did an X-ray of the last tooth, and showed me that it would be the worst yet. The roots interfered with the tooth beside it and because of these roots he would have to dig them out around the neighbour tooth. He really didnât want to do it. My son was in a panic. On Wednesday, February 19th I brought him into the Healing Rooms for prayer. The team prayed that God would dissolve the roots of the tooth and it would come out. Two days later, on the Friday, we had a miracle. He was at home and the tooth fell out, with no bleeding and no roots!!!
Amazing???... But not for God. We couldnât believe it. The tooth was well rooted and had no intention of coming out, and was in no way loose, God simply answered the prayers.
I have brought the two teeth in for display, the one with the big root and the one that came out with no roots.
I would like to thank the team for their prayers and so would my son, but most of all we hope his story will inspire others and bring them hope as to the amazing healing powers of our wonderful God, who simply loves his children so much that He bends to hear our prayers.



April 28, 2013

I will summarize my testimony before I begin with John 16:32-33. This is the basis of my faith, God can overcome any problem, He is bigger then all of them!! My daughter is 9 years old and she was born with a hole in the upper chamber of her heart which required an open heart surgery in 2007 at the age 4. The medical term was ASD. I spent the year prior to the surgery filled with depression and anxiety. I had a year to sit and worry, alone, scared to my core that my duaghter would die, have a stroke or just plain go through trauma. I felt I aged 10 years over the year. As it was, she made it through, but not wmoothly. An undiagnosed factor 7 blood disorder complicated things and recovery was worse than the surgery. In 2007, I did not know God, I was an atheist. In 2008, my eldest son got in trouble and caused me to move him to a Christian school, which began my faith journey, and my childrens.
Sometime in 2008, they discovered Honey's heart had developed scar tissue and a major artery was blocked restricting oxygen flow. I was in Winnipeg. Heart appt's were few and far between and the Dr's didn't give proper attention to the matter as they were flown in from India and not regular medical staff.
I moved to BC in 2012. Honey's condition was seen in a different way, it had to be re-evaluated and quickly. Two appts to BC Children's quickly determined she needed a second open heart surgery (bypass) and soon I returned after the second trip, devastated. The day after, I spent a long time in my daughters room, when she was at school, crying and praying to God. Here is what He did when I woke up the next day, all anxiety was gone. I was INCAPABLE of negative emotion. I was calm, happy, and a voice in my head said "don't worry, God has it". This would be impossible for me without God. I don't handle medical stress well. I was so overcome by His presence, I wrote a mass email telling everyone what God did and asking for prayer for Honey. The email was positive and full of praise and faith that "God Had It". The response was amazaing! My daughter's teacher asked if I had heard of the Healing Rooms, I had not. She told me to check out the website. I did and it looked amazing. She was on the Healing Team in our city and arranged a prayer session 2 days prior to Honey's next major medical apt. Which included an echo and stress test. The ladies were lovely and I was so excited all day awaiting the session. They prayed for the Lord to heal her heart. Two days later we were at the hospital. Her results were much better. He body had grown a new artery to pick up the slack of the clogged one. They determined to do a small day surgery and balloon the blocked artery, but only as a future prevention, not becaused it's needed. Her new vein is in action and doing it's job. This is a miracle!! God said He had it. And He does. Not only is she healed, but what this did, was bring together such a beautiful display of faith. Onle little girl was an example of how the community of Christ is so powerful, a strong and loving famiy and I know God was smiling as this is what He desires. God never left us. I am very grateful, to our loving Father, to the ladies who placed their hands upon her at the Healing Rooms and denounced her heart condition in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. My daughter has been blessed and healed. Thank you God, than you Healing Rooms and our prayer warrior team, we love you.



August 15, 2012

First time I went too the healing room, I only ask the Lord for guidance in my life. In their form that I need to fill up, they have the question that says "Do youhave been baptized by the Holy Spirit? I thought, wait a minute, I thought I have the Holy Spirit when I receive Jesus. So I get my Bible and read everything about it. Then I realize it is the gift from God for every believer. In 2 weeks I went back to the Healing Room to ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And God met me. In a supernatural way.
I started speaking in tongues. 2 distince tongues my husband told me 4 hours I speak in tongues. The heaven roared in a form of Hail Storm. (Aug. 8) I told my husband It's the God Almighty and I started praising Him. with my hands lift up and just praising Him in tongues. Every believer should ask for it. An just get it. And the Lord will meet you. To God be all the Glory forever and ever. Amen



May 09, 2012

I brought my daughter in for prayer to have her hormones to be at normal levels. Her mood swings stopped immediately. She has been a happy talkative and loving young lady now for two weeks.
