US1644 | Healing Rooms Ministries
a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Come and receive your healing!



Jill & Dennis Ricci

Hours Open

Phone: 818-874-3313


Mark T.

Mark T.

February 15, 2014

Jill Ricci has been my client at my hair salon for 30 years. We were young adults at Grace Community Church back in the 1980's. Jill's enthusiasm for the Healing Rooms ministry is a part of every conversation we've had since she joined the Ventura Healing Rooms. She is now the director of Conejo Valley Healing Rooms. Once in my old shop she was concerned for the vertigo I was complaining about. She prayed for me right there in the shop. I remember walking up and down my shop saying, "What have you done, I can't do this" as I moved my neck and head all about expecting dizziness to return any second. It didn't. I was blown away. She taught me know to pray and keep things in place. I experienced a mild setback, but then it was gone once and for all. I give Jesus all the glory. That was the first time she prayed for me.

Another time I was describing the pain I had in my shoulder, as I couldn't carry my granddaughter up the stairs in our home anymore. She prayed again, and the pain was gone, I have great mobility in my arm now. Plus I can do my work for my clients pain free.

I have struggled with fear and anxiety for years. My heritage is Jewish. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and my Mom went to the Kathryn Kuhlman crusades. So there was belief, but not for me. Jill broke generational curses and prayed for fear to go. Insomnia went too!

I was diagnosed with arthritis in my spine. I thought I couldn't breathe well, and yes that pain and discomfort is gone too.

Also, I had a diagnosis of Costochondritis, an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). It causes sharp pain in the costosternal joint — where your ribs and breastbone are joined by rubbery cartilage. Pain caused by costochondritis may mimic that of a heart attack or other heart condition. Jill and her husband Denny listened to my complaints and prayed. Done in the name of Jesus. Thanks guys for bringing the Healing Rooms into my hair salon. I am free in the name of Jesus!

Carrie B.

Carrie B.

February 14, 2014

I received prayer for generational issues of anxiety and fear. That day while driving home from work I was amazed at how blue the sky was. A veil had been lifted from my eyes. Usually even fun events around the holidays were riddled with anxiety. I went through the holiday season in complete joy and peace. I finally got to enjoy all the Christmas parties and events for the first time in my life. While going through some more generational work and inner healing I was set free of long-term sinus issues. For the last several years one sinus and lung were regularly blocked. Both my daughter, and myself now four years old, are breathing great. Forgiving old wounds from family has set me free both emotionally and physically.

God is continuing to heal my marriage through prayer for forgiveness; opening doors & opportunities that wouldn't otherwise be there. My husband and I are experiencing a sense of unity that we've never had before.

The result of receiving prayer and healing is a daily freedom & a weight lifted that affects my entire family. My faith is continually being strengthened through this process. I am so excited to see what God's plan for me and my family is.

Linda P.

Linda P.

February 10, 2014

Around 2005 I had a CAT scan of my thyroid and a nodule was found. I came into CVHR for prayer on a variety of issues and then had an ultra sound on my thyroid on 3/18/13 and no nodule was found! Praise God!

Mike B.

Mike B.

February 10, 2014

Our business was under attack by former employees. When they left in one day they declared harm to our business. They filed for unemployment based on false charges and God protected us by having the courts side with us. We received prayer prior to going to court and saw God answer.
