US1668 | Healing Rooms Ministries
a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Healing Room reopened by appointment on Thursdays 7 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. to noon.



Peggy Martin

Hours Open

Bookings are by appointment only.
Contact us below to schedule an appointment.

Phone: (720) 443-2563 (720-4-Heal Me)




August 31, 2018

Before asking the volunteers at the Issaquah Healing Room for prayer I suffered for more than a month with a swollen, bleeding and very painful gum on the left side of my mouth.

Within two days after they laid hands on me and commanded it to be healed" I not only had no swelling or bleeding I was able to brush normally, chew my food on the left side, and am able to even chew hard nuts like almonds with no discomfort at all.

Thank you Jesus, and thank you Issaquah Healing Room prayer team.

Baron D.

Baron D.

April 24, 2018

I had been suffering from a lot of pain in my right shoulder and had limited ability to raise my arm even to shoulder height.

I asked the prayer team at the Issaquah Healing Room to pray for restoration of my shoulder. As they laid hands on me I felt a tingling in my arm and shoulder. I knew immediately I was healed and raised my arm. I felt no resistance and was able to swing my arm clear over my head with no pain at all.

Thank you Jesus and the Healing Room team.



July 03, 2017

Eight-year-old G had low platelet counts and was receiving regular infusions. Her parents brought her to the Healing Room when the infusions weren't working and her platelet count was nil. After receiving ministry at the Healing Room her parents didn't take her in for another infusion, but only had her platelets tested and her count was 240,000 which was what the doctors had hoped for if doing a year's worth of infusions! The whole family came in and we rejoiced with them over the healing power of Jesus Christ!

Sandra S.

Sandra S.

April 27, 2017

Dear Ones,
Thank you for your Christ-centered, concentrated prayer. You are the only group I have heard of who prays for healing the way you did. You are very special with a God-given gift. I'm now walking upright. Also, I learned from you not to give the devil a toehold in my healing. Please continue to pray for me. I value you, your ministry and your prayers. In Christ's love and mine, Sandra. To God be the glory!
