US2011 | Healing Rooms Ministries
a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Come and receive your healing!



Nori Naylor

Hours Open

Phone: 559-353-4530


Nori N.

Nori N.

January 14, 2021

Gloria, a friend of one of our Healing Rooms of Dinuba prayer team members, was battling cancer and had a kidney removed in December. She was then diagnosed with a liver tumor. We have been praying for her regularly. Gloria texted thanking us for being her prayer warriors and reported that a CT scan showed the liver tumor is gone. Glory to God!

Nori N.

Nori N.

March 15, 2020

I am the director of the Healing Rooms of Dinuba, CA. Prior to the lockdown, my husband and I visited a local church to share about the Healing Rooms. An elderly woman sang a solo and shared that she was having surgery for cancer on her nose that Tuesday. Mike and I were invited to join the ministry team in praying for this woman. The ministry team had anointed her with oil. I boldly took authority over the cancer and commanded it to leave, in Jesus' name. The woman's countenance changed from stooped over to standing straight and she shared that God had healed her from cancer before. It was as if she had suddenly remembered her healing.

Before we left the church we told the Pastor's wife that we expected to hear a good report. On that Wednesday the Pastor's wife informed me that the doctor canceled the surgery because there was no cancer. Glory to God!

Mary R.

Mary R.

January 01, 2020

Mary is a member of the Prayer Ministry Team in Dinuba, California. During our team worship and prayer time in December, we prayed for Mary's estranged relationship with her daughter. Here is Mary's testimony:

After 25 years, my daughter called me this New Years and told me she loved me. All anger she had towards me is no longer there. Praise God!

Michael C.

Michael C.

December 19, 2019

Michael is a prayer ministry team member. He contacted the prayer team to agree with him in prayer for his grandmother. Here is Michael's testimony:

My grandmother died Thursday, December 19th. The doctors brought her back to life, but she was on life support unable to breathe on her own. Her body was swelled up like a balloon from a heart condition and a bad kidney. Keep in mind she was born with one kidney. The family was saying goodbyes. With a prayer of faith, a few hours later she woke up. Following that the swelling went away. She is breathing on her own and was released to go home Christmas Eve. As of January 2, 2020 she is still at home.
