EN1365 | Healing Rooms Ministries
a group of people holding hands praying



Ray & Ruth Scorey

Hours Open

Phone: 011 44 07900 341287


Patricia P.

Patricia P.

October 18, 2012

Initially I was diagnosed with depression in April 2002 but even with medication there was no sign of improvement and in June 2003 I had to give up my job. However, it wasn't until April 2004 that the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Otherwise known as M.E.) was officially diagnosed, although my G.P. had suspected it in 2003 and it was confirmed that I had had it for at least two years possibly longer. It was a relief that I wasn't going mad, that it was not in my imagination but it was real. CFS or ME is a debilitating illness that leaves you constantly exhausted and unable to do the most basic of things like having a conversation with someone, doing housework,cooking a family meal, socialising with family/church family or friends. Sadly, it was made worse that no-one tried to understand how I felt or offered help of any kind (apart from my husband and immediate family).
I felt alienated because I was treated as a "mental health case" and no-one, it seemed, knew how to deal with me. Despite all of this I knew it was all a part of God's plan for me that He needed to take me away from things so that He could teach me new things and that when the time was right He would bring healing. Then in 2006 a friend mentioned the possibility of going to the Healing Rooms for prayer ministry. To begin with I was unsure that this was the right way for me but prayed about it and asked God to provide the right opportunity if this was what He wanted. Thus on 19th October 2006 I went to the Healing Rooms for prayer ministry and God healed the ME. At last I was free from the restrictive bonds of the illness. Up to that point, I had needed to walk with the aid of a walking stick and from that night on I no longer needed it.



May 09, 2012

The Prayer Cloth - what can I say?. This was something completely new to me and, although new to me, I still received it and willingly placed it into my husband's pillow case.
A few weeks passed and I became more and more aware that I was telling God that to sit together in church with my husband was such a strong desire building up within me that I was prepared to give up where I was attending if it was His will for it to happen. To give up on what I was comfortable with, to allow my husband the chance of hearing about him and getting to know that God loved him. I came to repent on how selfish I had become, coaxing or manipulating my husband on several occasions to accompany me. My will was preventing God's work; it was quite a shock, it was as if I had had a sudden growth of maturity, I was being led gently into a new awareness of how God does the work, that to pray was fine but to learn to let go and trust Him needed to happen first, that my heart needed to be in tune with His.This realisation was so liberating. I was being prepared, for almost immediately my husband suddenly told me he thought he would like to give church another go, his words not mine, and suggested a place to go. Now,a few months on we are still worshipping together, having laid down my own will, and my husband has shared that he misses the fellowship when I am unable to take him.After thirty three years of interceding and almost giving up on him, God has heard my groanings and is allowing us to receive His blessings together as a couple. Not only do I sense a releasing from a bondage I had created to see my husband saved, I feel cherished and snug in a new relationship with him, and strangely enough we are both, for once, equal to each other in Christ, just as it should be!God has come to heal the nations now is the time to heed His voice.This is how it happened to us; others will have their own testimonies.Notice God dealt with me first, then the other followed.

Joseph C.

Joseph C.

February 08, 2012

Whilst visiting the Norfolk Healing Rooms in support of a young lad who was having 'hands on' prayer for healing, I was asked if I too had need for prayer, to which I replied "no thanks".But a few moments later I retracted and said I did, that my left eyes sight was failing(about 5-10% sight), whereby I was invited to follow on the lad and also have 'hands on' prayer. This took place and, a very pleasant few minutes followed. The outcome of this was that my sight was almost restored (now 90%), immediately. Glory be to our blessed Lord. In closing my testimony I must say that since becoming a Christian I have a strong faith which is something I am always stressing when talking about healing. I also believe that sowing seed on good ground is also very necessary. May the Lord bless all who might read my testimony. J.C. 08/0



January 08, 2012

Just [a card] to say thank you for the Prayer Cloth and for the prayers and love within it. As I held the cloth I was aware of God's love and a wonderful feeling of peace. As I continued to use the cloth I knew God's healing hand was upon me. My foot is healing nicely. I have been discharged from the fracture clinic and am having physio. [My husband] has been blessed with added strength to cope with the extra work in looking after me. M & C
