US1473 | Healing Rooms Ministries
a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Excluding holidays



Pastor Jeff McCracken

Hours Open

Phone: 503-556-8211


Maxwell S.

Maxwell S.

January 24, 2009

I fell down a flight of stairs and caught myself at the bottom with my hand against the wall. Immediately my wrist was in severe pain. I ran upstairs to show my dad and their was a bone sticking up underneath the skin about two inches. It then swelled up fast. My dad, realizing that it was broken, loaded me and my brothers and sisters into the car and we headed to the hospital. Dad and my brothers and sisters prayed for it on the way. At the hospital the x-ray showed no fracture (praise God) and they treated me for a severe sprain. Two days later, I was at the ballpark smacking baseballs and throwing pitches without any pain. God is so good!

Christina F.

Christina F.

April 16, 2008

Christina is a two year old whose family brought her into our healing rooms with a perforated ear drum with a resulting bad infection. Her family had heard the testimones of the wonderful results of the healing rooms but their religious background had up to this point kept them away. On April 8, 2008 the entire family, Christina, her four year old brother, mother, father, grandmother and grandfather brought her in for prayer. They all decided to sign up for prayer. Christina's father, David, held her in one room as the Team Members prayed over her. Christina was healed right there in her father's arms. Her father was filled with the Holy Spirit in that room also evidenced by speaking in his heavenly language. Across the hall, in another room, Christina's mother was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in her heavenly language for the first time. It gets better, Christina's 75 year old grandmother was in another room down the hall and was led through the sinner's prayer, giving her heart to our wonderful Lord. Yeah God!!!
